This week I spent the majority of my time working on the project proposal. I went over the requirement and technical challenge slides as well as the separation of tasks among the group members. I, along with Aryan and Tom, also spent time working out what we will say for our presentation and who will be giving it. We will spend the upcoming week finalizing our presentation and planning for our Bill of Materials and Design Presentation and Report.
Aryan Chordia (Week of 02/15)
Revised our abstract internally based on feedback from Professor and TA. Created website to be hosted on WordPress and followed guidance as well as finished presentation slides for proposal.
My tasks:
- Complete Use cases and Requirements section of the proposal
- Research the required hardware and parts to be bought for the proposal
- Research swift for iOS coding and review MQTT protocol for communication between raspberry pi and phone application
Thomas’ Status Report for 2/20
This week all of my time was spent working on the project proposal. This included working on the presentation slides (specifically the Technical Challenges, Solution Approach, Testing, and Task portions) and doing research/planning for parts that we’ll need once we begin the building phase of the project. So far, I’m on time with all of the preparatory work for the proposal presentation. For this upcoming week, I’ll be focusing on polishing up the presentation slides and preparing to begin work on the Design Presentation and Report by researching mechanical/hardware materials to complete our BOM as well as beginning working on our block diagram.
Introduction & Project Summary
We are creating an automated drinks maker robot that will be Bluetooth enabled which will allow users to connect to the robot and create drinks. We aim to design a user-friendly, fast, drinks maker that eases the burden on users from mixing and creating their drinks manually. As well as this, the phone application paired with the device will collect data from the user’s drinking habits to provide insightful statistics and visuals informing the users about their preferences.
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