Thomas’ Status Report for 3/6

This week I worked on finalizing our design presentation slides. I constructed our system diagram and completed the testing, metrics and validation portions of our slideshow.

I also assisted in the creation of our BOM. After doing some research, I proposed we use peristaltic pumps to most easily keep track of the amount of liquid dispensed. This is much faster and more flexible than using dispensers with preset quantities.

The peristaltic pumps we’re planning on ordering:

My progress is on time at this point in the design process. This upcoming week, I plan to complete and polish our design presentation slides. In addition, I’ll be working towards completing our Design Review Report and getting our parts ordered.


Thomas’ status report 2/27

For this past week I’ve been looking into potential visual sensors we would use for our project to include in our BOM. We’re nearly finished with  completing our BOM and will be moving on to the remaining requirements of the design proposal. By next status check, My team and I plan on being nearly completed with our project proposal so we can spend the next couple days polishing up our presentation.

Thomas’ Status Report for 2/20

This week all of my time was spent working on the project proposal. This included working on the presentation slides (specifically the Technical Challenges,  Solution Approach, Testing, and Task portions) and doing research/planning for parts that we’ll need once we begin the building phase of the project. So far, I’m on time with all of the preparatory work for the proposal presentation. For this upcoming week, I’ll be focusing on polishing up the presentation slides and preparing to begin work on the Design Presentation and Report by researching mechanical/hardware materials to complete our BOM as well as beginning working on our block diagram.