Funmbi’s Status Report: 3/6/2021

My main focus this week was finalizing the research we needed to get done for our design presentation. My main focus was hashing out the music theory and specifically how we would be calculating the pitch feedback and the margin of error that we would be considering acceptable. I found a few resources and a calculation that would help me with analyzing that. We also watched a lot of vocal coach lessons on YouTube to see important lessons for beginners, and I was tasked with speaking with a vocal major to get some feedback on important tools to consider for our users.

I also worked on how I expect the database relations to be handled for our project. I have included an entity relation diagram below of what I came up with:

As a group we decided to cut out posture analysis, which was a big concern for me as that was my main focus initially. So now I am working alongside one of my team mates on the UI, as well as generating the lessons to be deployed on the website.

I think personally I am on schedule with what I hope to achieve, I have been working on my research and gathering all the links I need so once I start coding it should be smooth sailing (hopefully). Now that we meet 5 times a week it should be enough time in my schedule allocated to just capstone so I shouldn’t be lagging behind.

By next week my main focus is the design report and then settling on the number of music theory lessons I am adding to the web app as well as the outside resources link I think our important to add to our resource page. As well as mock up lesson structures to include in the report. The main chunk of next week though, is our design report so I would be working on that with my team.

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