So this week we had to finalize the information for our proposal presentation, which we all worked on collectively. My main focus was on posture analysis, so I worked on what technical challenges we would face when it comes to posture regarding good singing posture. However, after our presentation, we were faced with the complexity of real-time analysis which when coupled with latency becomes more difficult to handle within the time frame that we currently have for our project.
Therefore we had to pivot our analysis and focus on a lesson-based composition. Because of that, I spent most of this week looking into musical exercises and the music theory that we consider important to start out music lessons for beginners. I worked on narrowing down the scale for lessons to just the major scale to reduce the complexity we would have to work on with other scales (minor -> natural, harmonic, etc)
I came up with a few things we could do for posture analysis and then started watching some uses of the open pose library in OpenCV for posture analysis, but after we met as a group we decided to also move posture analysis from real-time feedback to an as after analysis part of the analysis. This means my focus is now about studying the video recording gotten from the performance which does make the work a little bit easier and allows me to focus on important key points for detection.
Like we discussed in the team report, I worry that we are behind schedule, however, the search for songs has been removed as we would be using notes which can be computer-generated. So now I just have to do a research to come up with our list of lessons to be implemented in our web application.
For next week my main focus is getting the posture analysis block diagram finalized and then narrowing down the scope of our lessons. I do wish to talk with our advising professor about what would be important to successfully be on par with the human vocal coaches. Also considering the range of music theory would be important and the structure of the lessons (singing, listening, and writing)
I would also be doing our design presentation, so I guess next week working with our group to get our design flushed out and having a good understanding of everything to be able to present it during our design presentation.