Team Status Report for 2/27/2021

One major risk that we can potentially face at this point of the project is having diverging ideas of our project due to working on our individual components without integration in mind, which can cause us problems down the road. A problem we are actively solving now is clearly defining our project scope and goals. After our proposal presentation, we pivoted from a real-time feedback singing coach to one that provides feedback after a performance. This change was brought on by the difficulty of balancing pitch analysis and reasonable latency constraints to allow for real-time feedback. Our project now focuses on providing lessons in different singing aspects, namely: pitch accuracy, timing, and music theory. We have also made song performance analysis a stretch goal for our project, which used to be a core feature.

These changes in project goals and scope have prompted us to re-evaluate our project schedule, something that we are still updating as we continue to enumerate the aspects of our updated project. We have been meeting more than usual this week (5 instead of 4 times, for 1-2 hours) to address the changes in our project. We documented our pivot ideas in this document here:

As we are now taking a more lesson based approach, we are in the process of crafting lessons to help train users in the aspects of singing mentioned above. We are considering using  a phonetograph to analyze users’ vocal ranges upon signup and compute it after good performance in several lessons to measure progress over time. After signup, they will go through a range of pitch exercises and rhythm exercises. Posture analysis is also no longer being provided in real time, but after the lessons as a part of the performance report.

We designed the integration and flow of this new lesson based approach as a rough draft which can be found below:


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