Funmbi’s Status Report : 2/20/2021

So far we have been working on fine tuning our product, and inspecting the metrics we would like our software to cater to for the user. We have completed the abstract and finished the slides for our proposal. After the last 2 meetings with a professor and TA we have a baseline for our project and are currently researching the most effective approach. The work has been divided based on our skills and I am currently working on how to use the open pose library for the posture detection. This week I am going to be collating data sets for the posture detection for testing and thinking of ways to detect posture with the microphone in the way, which was an issue raised by my group.

In addition I also need to think on how to integrate the database to the web application as well as finding songs that would be our base exercises for the users as well as test cases. Basically a lot of this week and the upcoming week is on research, and finding the software that would be preferable for the product and how to integrate it to fit the user experience.

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