Funmbi’s Status Report 4/24/2021

This week I worked on finalizing the feedback page and making it work. My aim was to get the feedback pages working and to get them displaying the correct data. As well as start fixing up the css of the pages for the final display to fit what we had desired for the end. Here are some pictures of my progress so far still have a few edits that need to be done but most likely would be done by the end of the week.

So far I am on schedule based on the new edits that we have made, I should be done with most of my aspects of the project so hopefully start my integration and deployment from the next week. Next week I would finalize the cleaning of the exercises and work with my teammate on working on the rhythm exercises . The hope is to get this all done as we are working on the final phases of the project. And then finalize getting people for to survey our project for feedback.

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