Team Status Report for 4/10/21

This past week, we’ve noticed a few significant risks to the progress of our project. The first risk is that we won’t be well-prepared to integrate our front-end code with the server. As we’ve been spending most of our time hard-coding the exercises to make sure it looks right on the front end, we have run into a couple of road blocks as we haven’t planned out exactly how to send back expected exercise results to the server to compare it to the user’s actual results/recording and if it will work. The second risk, is that we won’t have enough time to be able to get our MVP.  We have to account for the time that we need spend on other classes as well since they’ve been taking up more and more of our time these past few weeks.

To mitigate these risks, we will plan out and collaborate more to plan and lay out all the functions we will be using in the different components of the web application – the file( on the server ),  html + javascript ( frontend) and how they will be linked together.  As for accounting for the time restrictions we all have on doing work for the capstone project, we will all try to plan out how many hours we can spend on the capstone at the beginning of each week and make sure it’s at least 12, without other coursework taking too much time and without too much time spent on capstone.

There have been a few design changes made to our project. One of the design changes is that for the music theory exercises, instead of using VexFlow, we will be using image files to present the lessons due to the integration roadblocks mentioned above. Another design change we made was that instead of using Web Audio API to generate piano notes, we will be using another library we found online: AudioSynth since the AudioSynth library has more code to play more natural piano tones, whereas web audio api generated very robotic tones.

Our schedule has changed slightly:

Here’s a picture of our progress on the frontend of a basic pitch exercise:

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