Funmbi’s Status Report: 3/13/2021

This week I focused on finalizing our design presentation and working on our design report. We had the design presentation on Monday and I presented so I worked on just practicing that. After the presentation, we have been working on the design report and I have been gathering the music lessons that we would need to create, as well as testing out my cent algorithm for the pitch feedback. I am currently just calculating a short piece with sending 2 frequencies in and then output the percentage accuracy in numbers.

Here is a snippet of the code for testing the cent calculation,I took into consideration the margin of error that was suggested after the design presentation:

I have also been doing some final research to add to the design report about the use of our Django Framework and Amazon S3 as our database. As we would be handling multitude of media files my aim is to figure out the connectivity. Personally, I feel slightly behind in my collation of data, but that would be addressed this weekend and the upcoming days, I would be working on my UI once I get the design report submitted mid way next week. BY next week I hope to finish creating the metronome needed for the rhythm lessons, I have studies a few existing codes and run some of them modified a little bit so my hope is it shouldn’t take that long, and then I would work on putting the resources page together, as that page doesn’t really have functionality, I can finish it quickly. But mainly for next week the order of work I need to complete is my design report, then the metronome generation and the resources page.

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