Mitchell’s Status Report for May 8

This week I presented the final project presentation. I have also been working on the final video, final report, and poster. I am using iMovie to edit the clips and voiceovers for the videos we used.

We are finished with creating the project, so we don’t have any significant risks, changes to the design, or changes to the gantt chart.

I am using iMovie to edit our video, as shown below. I am using the cutaway with some transparency to sync the video and transcript.


Mitchell’s Status Report for May 1

This week, I worked on more testing, final presentation, and video planning.  This Monday, we finished our testing, and found that our system passed all of our metrics. We started our video planning on Wednesday by drafting out our script and footage. On Friday I practiced the final presentation.

Since we are working on our final presentation materials, we are on schedule and our risks are simply losing our group members to second vaccine doses next week.

Mitchell’s Status Report for April 24

We performed our demo last Wednesday and received overall good feedback from Professor Sullivan and Abha. After the feedback, I implemented the capability to download the transcript as a pdf. It is implemented using reportlab using a file-like buffer to receive PDF data and the Paragraph model to input text. I also setup the basic testing interface template for the Server and Client Tests using getopt for Cambrea to use. For processes that require a sudo command, I used getpass to retrieve and encoded password, so the password is not stored in bashhistory nor in file and piping it into into stdio using the -S flag for the sudo command. I have also started working on the final report presentation slides.

Since we are performing our tests now, if there are any major issues that require an implementation overhaul, we would have to scramble to accomplish it.

This progress is on schedule. We plan to finish the transcript testing on Monday.

Next week I continue to work on the final presentation slides and the final report.


Mitchell’s Status Report for April 10

This week I worked on debugging the transcript streaming and working in my group. The consumer was changed to be a fully  asynchronous model and the webpage now properly update when the transcript is fed in. There were also web socket instabilities that were debugged. For the group work, we met Mon., Wed., Fri., Sat, and will meet Sunday for multiple hours each time. I mostly helped to test the system and tweak changes like transcript autoscrolling.

From now on my schedule is the same as the group’s schedule. We think we have a demo prepared at this point, but we will perform further stress testing on the demo and mult-mic interaction.

Mitchell’s Status Report for April 3

This week I worked on integrating the transcript streaming and fabricating a case for the respeaker. For the case, it was designed using VMWare Horizon to access the windows lab cluster and Solidworks to CAD the model. The transcript streaming was interfaced as a producer in the transcript updating phase in the meeting manager using asynchronous to synchronous communication to the channels layer. The consumer model will then append or rewrite the changed sections and push those updates to the web hook which will update the webpage.

At this point we’re sort of reaching the point of schedule ambiguity. I do not have any more individually-assigned tasks. I will be testing the transcript streaming further and try to get a full system that works locally on our computers.

Mitchell’s Status Report for March 27

This week I continued moving forward on my tasks in the order I assigned them to myself. I had some family issues over the weekend, so I was not in a state to work then. I wrote half of the ethics assignment over Monday. Over the rest of the week, I worked on integrating transcript streaming. I took over this task from Cambrea from a future date. It uses channels, webhooks, and channel_asgi to update the transcript from the database.

Schedule wise, I believe that I am on schedule. Some items got shifted around like I was working on a later task this week, and am creating the housing the next week, as we got our second set of parts, so I can work on it without impeding other group members. I plan to use VMWare Horizon to use the Windows lab cluster machines, but if it is too slow, then I will go to a campus computer lab and work there.

Mitchell’s Status Report for March 13

This week I worked on adding audio filtering to the Raspberry Pi, developing the website, and finishing the Design Document. The current version of audio filtering does file i/o. Am looking to upgrade to real time processing using streams and pyaudio. For the Design Document, I filled out the sections that I implemented and proofread the sections that were written by Ellen.

Schedule wise, I am on schedule, but need to rework items. Risk wise, I need to better communicate with my group members as I made assumptions and did not make an interface that would connect well. Next week, I am looking to rework the audio filtering on Monday and spend the rest of the time on development. I will also work on connecting components together.


Mitchell’s Status Report for March 6

This week I worked on the website development as well as the design review. I finished setting up the website backend so that it is able to integrate with other components like the transcript. I also worked on the design paper on reducing the mass of information that was put there 

Progress-wise, I am on track for the web end, but have not started the audio filter for the audio on the raspberry pi. I might have put a bit too much work simultaneously for this week. The tasks still have additional time on them, but just did not start on the desired time. Next week, I will work on finishing the design paper, starting the filtering, and website development.

Mitchell’s Status Report for Feb. 27

This week I setup the server and worked on the design slides outline and design document. I first attempted to deploy the server on Amazon Linux 2, but encountered difficulties after recompiling python for a newer sqlite, so I redeployed the server on ubuntu 18.04. The server is currently in a condition that it can be run, but is empty. We also decided that we wanted to create a custom fitting for our device, so I looked into three options based off of previous projects: woodworking, laser cutting, or 3d printing one. After looking into it, I directly eliminated woodworking as it would be time consuming and requires more manual dexterity. Laser cutting and 3d printing would require CAD work. Laser cutting would allow reuse of old iterations as do not have to scrap the entire housing, while 3d printing would require printing the whole object if iterating. I think that using a mix should work for our project

I filled out the design slides outline and design paper generally, so that the information is there and can refine next week.

In terms of progress, I believe that I’m on schedule. Next week I’ll start testing scipi and audacity for the audio filtering, and continue working on the design document and presentation.



Mitchell’s Status Report for Feb. 20

This week my efforts were focused on research and slide preparation. On the research end, I looked into audio filtering methods, aws setup, and methods of testing. I looked into the ReSpeaker, PyAudio, Audacity, and SciPi libraries for methods of audio processing and to see what we could leverage. I also looked for research papers for processing the audio, microphone feedback, and user design. I also looked into methods of testing like stress testing to make our system more robust.

I believe that I am currently on schedule. Our project proposal slides are complete and our initial gantt chart has been created.

From our gantt chart, I will be starting to setup the AWS server and website next week as well as starting to prepare the design presentation.