This week I wrote the code the handle all components on the raspberry pi.
These components are the microphone IO, audio processing, and the client code. The RaspberrySystem file acts as the “top” module on the raspberry pi, and is used to run the entire system. In this file I start the threads for the mic IO, audio processing, and client threads.
I also added the MicrophoneIO file. In this file, the startIO function is called by the RaspberrySystem file. This function starts the audio stream to listen on the microphone. When audio is detected on the microphone, it is then put into the queue for the audio processing component. The direction of arrival for that particular audio is also added to the queue. This happens in the callback function.
When audio is ready to be played on the speaker(this is the output audio coming from the second set of users in a different room) the stream to listen to audio is stopped to prevent a feedback loop while the output audio is played.
Lastly I added to the client code. Here I made a text file that holds the audio device’s ID number. This number is sent to the server so that the server can differentiate the audio devices.
I also ordered a respeaker, micro SD card, raspberry pi case and raspberry pi power supply cable to create the second audio device.
I am currently on track with my progress.
Next week I will configure the new audio device when the parts arrive. Ellen and I will also start integrating the audio streaming work that I have done with the transcript generator that Ellen has completed.