Elena’s Status Report for 03/06/2021

This week I worked with my teammates on the design review presentation. Personally, I first worked on the schematic diagram. I simulated the ideal product in the real-world application by renovating my own fridge, taking a photo of this real fridge, and adding components to the photo(below shows the photo in the process; the final pic exceeds the 8Mb limit and will be displayed in presentation). In addition, I also sketched a diagram of how our final product for proof of concept will look like.

For the recommendation system, I read many related works available online and some popular implementation of recommendation system training networks. From all articles and works, I found a paper that focused on a cooking recipe recommendation system that runs on a consumer smartphone. https://online-journals.org/index.php/i-jim/article/view/3623/3116

I compared their applications of bag of features with my previous related projects to help me build my own training models.

I think we are on the schedule planned before. For the next week, we will first focus on finishing the design review report; if I have extra time, I will start building the baseline model by first implementing the feature extraction and test on the accuracy.


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