This week I shifted my focus to the UI. I created a draft of a wireframe of our menu interface, received feedback from the team, and then incorporated their changes. Give the specs of our LCD (128×64 pixels), and the use of standard 8×5 pixel characters, all the items on a menu will fit on the screen. Here is the wireframe for your reference: (BARI UI Wireframe)
From there, the team decided I should work on some of the lower level implementation of the UI as well, so I worked on a function that maps characters to pixels. I did not find any resources online for this in terms of code, but I did find a nice template for the pixel maps, as well as a tool to quickly get the hex for each pixel map. I also found an example of interfacing with our LCD. All of these resources have been helpful in working with the implementation of the UI. Further, I have found mapping numbers, letters in both cases, and select symbols to pixel arrays has been a time-consuming process. However, it is the foundation of the UI.
Next week I hope to finish interfacing with the LCD, getting some kind of trivial writing, and then eventually laying out the menu and writing menu layers to the screen.