Arthur’s Status Report for 05/08
This week I worked on our final presentation, poster, and demo. We met several times this week to finalize our project.
We are on schedule
Next week is the demo itself, and also the final report that is due Thursday
Arthur’s Status Report for 05/01/21
This week I worked on:
- haptic feedback code is complete
- able to do a sequence of vibrations based on game state input
- we all met on campus to finally collect metrics for our tracking
We are on schedule
Next week
- final presentation, Ishaan is giving this one
- fine-tune some details for the final demo
Team Status Report for 05/01/21
Significant risks:
- player might not want to play the game with their own background, we need to add a default background that the game can be played on
- might be some latency between the game sending feedback to the FLORA via bluetooth for the haptic feedback motors
Changes Made:Β
- our own 3D assets (fruits & bombs)
- pause menu & menu screen
- calibration step before playing the game (so that Unity can find the glove)
- haptic feedback: sequence of vibrations based on different game states (fruit cut, bomb exploded, fruit missed…)
We are on schedule. While we will need to do some fine-tuning over the course of next week, we will be ready for both the upcoming presentation and the final demo.
Arthur’s Status Report for 04/24/21
This week I worked on the following:
- haptic feedback
- being able to control 3 different microcontrollers with multiplexer
- receiving input from FLORA via bluetooth module
- so that the game is able to communicate with the glove
- based on the input above (game state), different vibrations
- fruit being cut: buzz 1 (effect 47)
- bomb being cut:Β long buzz (effect 118)
- fruit being missed (lose 1 life): long double sharp click strong (effect 37)
- more vibrations to be added as needed
still on schedule
next week
- instead of just one vibration per game state, maybe have a sequence of vibrations per game state
- this is so that the vibrations are felt longer by the player
- help Ishaan with Fruit Ninja game
Arthur’s Status Report for 04/10/21
This week I worked on the following:
- finished soldering the parts on the glove
- FLORA arduino
- Arduino Bluetooth Module
- Breadboard
- Mux
- 3 motor controllers
- 3 vibrating mini motor discs
- Infrared LED & 330 Ohm Resistor
- haptic feedback arduino scripts
- the arduino is able to control each of the 3 motor controllers on the glove through the Multiplexer
- just using 1 type of vibration for now
Still on schedule
Next week:
- demo
- start adding more complexity for the haptic feedback
- different vibrations
- based on Fruit Ninja game state
- this requires connecting the RaspPi to the Arduino via bluetooth
- so that Unity can send data to the Pi, which then transmits it to the arduino
Arthur’s Status Report for 04/03/21
We met several times this week on campus in HH 1307.Β We unfortunately hit an obstacle in our positional tracking of the glove. We discovered that doing background substitution in OpenCV with IR LEDs adds way too much latency. We saw that moving an IR LED across the screen with gray-scaling and background substitution has a 1 second delay on screen.
We’ve almost completed soldering the parts for the glove (FLORA, mux, microcontrollers, battery holder). Still need to solder the bluetooth module and IMU (not arrived yet).
Still on schedule for the demo
Next week, we will finish soldering all the parts on the glove, finalize the positional tracking, and write the haptic feedback Arduino code.
Team Status Report for 04/03/21
Significant Risks
- Background substitution in OpenCV adds a lot of latency and delay in the movement seen on screen.
- Orientation of IR LEDs seem to be a problem. The LEDs apparently need to be pointed directly at the camera and this is unrealistic considering the game consists of swiping across the camera (we can’t expect the player to keep the LED pointed at the camera perfectly).
Changes Made
- Use regular LEDs since the latency is much better (no need to do gray-scaling and use the IR LEDs as white LEDs if we can simply use color LEDs). The intensity of colored LEDs are also stronger so the camera will be able to pick it up at larger distances
- We are considering running the whole Fruit Ninja game on the RaspberryPi but we have not yet finalized this
A little behind on schedule, but will be caught up by the time we arrive at the demo since we plan to have a basic game and the glove fully built.
Arthur’s Status Report for 03/27/21
We met several times this week on campus in 1307 HH to work on our project. We are currently testing out positional tracking with our Raspberry Pi NoIR Camera module and Infrared LEDs. We are all currently working on the python scripts that will go on our RaspberryPi to control the Camera module, to filter for Infrared LEDs using frequency/wavelengths, and to contour the LEDs that the camera detects in order to track them.
We are still on schedule
We want to finalize the positional tracking by the end of the week and also start the assembly of the glove (right after we figure out the tracking). For the Interim Demo on April 12th, we want to have the glove fully built, and we want to be able to showcase how accurate our positional tracking is and how fast the response time is.
Arthur’s Status Report 03/13/21
This week, I gave the Design Presentation for our project. We received lots of very helpful feedback which we will use to revise certain aspects and details of our design. All of the parts for the glove have arrived except for the IMU, (the positional tracking unit). I will also need to go to campus this week to retrieve some wires, a breadboard, and a Mux.
We are still on schedule.
For next week, we have the Design Report due on the 17th and for our schedule, we would like to have the glove assembly finished by EOW.