Andy’s Status Report for 03/06/2021

This week, I documented the internal structure of the audio and controller modules, and created block diagrams for those modules. I also detailed the controller FSM to aid in the implementation of the controller module.

On the subject of the controller module, I implemented and tested that this week. The protocol has been detailed in previous reports, but essentially the module is a timer running at 60Hz and a clock divider that generates the clock for the controller. Once the timer fires, the FSM waits to sync up with the controller clock and then begins the input request protocol. As discussed before, the controller is wired over GPIO. In the tester, the current input state of the controller is displayed on the LEDs of the DE10-Nano. Since the DE10-Nano only has 8 LEDs, and the controller state is 16-bit, a switch 0 is mapped to switching between the MSB and LSB of the controller state. After a few bugs and re-familiarizing myself with system verilog, it works like a dream. The LEDs lit up in response to my input apparently immediately. Unfortunately, a few of the wires for my controller port fell apart while I was moving the board, so I didn’t get the chance to capture video of the demo (at any rate, the LEDs are small and probably won’t show up well anyway).

I’ve attached the controller and audio diagrams, as well as the controller module implementation and test source code. Note that we’re managing our code on a private github, and the tossing of zips is just to ease distribution over our blog.




Controller test source code:

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