Joseph’s Status Report 4/3/21

Early this week I integrated Andrew’s I/O Subsystem into the main project. This was incorporated into a work-in-progress scrolling demo on Saturday.

The majority of my week was spent on implementing the Tile-Engine and Pixel-Mixer.

The Tile-Engine is almost finished, there are just a few bugs remaining with the mirror and scroll features. Andrew helped me find the source of some of these, and I will be implementing the fixes tomorrow (Sunday 4/4/21).

The Pixel-Mixer module currently only has a background Tile-Engine attached to it, with a dummy Sprite-Engine and foreground Tile-Engine – which simply output transparent tiles.

On Saturday, I began to put together a hardware-only demo involving controller-input and scrolling of the background layer as a Minimum-Viable Interim Demo. The background tile-data, pattern-data, and color-palette-data are planned out using Tiled (, drawn using Piskel (, and then converted into .mif files via a few python scripts I wrote.

Next week I will primarily work on the video demo, fixing the remaining bugs with the Tile-Engine, and implement one of either the DMA or Sprite-Engine. Unfortunately, some of the time spent on the CPU-VRAM interface last week was misguided (my fault). The CPU interface I designed uses MMIO to write data to the PPU, which after a short discussion with Andrew, I learned was terribly inefficient. I will be doing some research to see if I can reuse one of Intel/Altera’s DMA IP blocks to copy VRAM data from DRAM.

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