Michael’s Status Report for 2/20/2021

This week was focused on setting up and finalizing our project proposal. This week I have worked on the slides which are set to be completed by tomorrow 2/20/2021. We decided to keep most of the game logic and legal move calculation/generation within the FPGA because it is most easily parallelizable on the FPGA and my knowledge in the field enables us to take advantage of this.

I have also begun researching various variables to decide what FPGA would be needed to make the system. The UART module should be an IP block, so I have been looking at what system (Xillinx vs Altera) provides a more robust UART IP block. Currently I am leaning towards an Xillinx system, but that would entail also learning the Vivado toolchain, although I have done some High-level synthesis within Vivado in the past.

Next week I hope to finalize this and request an FPGA from the ECE department and begin working on setting up the UART communication. I would also like to start some Verilog hacking to begin the initial game logic (not pipelined).

Joseph’s Status Report for 02/20/2021

This week I researched on the computer vision algorithms that our team is going to use. I have looked into the background subtraction algorithm, which seemed especially useful comparing the different states the board will go through in each turn. I have also looked into the hardware for the camera to see what camera our team is going to use for the computer vision component. It seems like Logitech 270 will do the job, with 30 fps and a reasonable price to accomplish our goal. I have also set up the website as well as prepared my portion of slides that we have divided.

As for the schedule, I am on schedule with the initially planned schedule.

Next week, I am going to start experimenting with OpenCV libraries available so we can grayscale the image and explore algorithms in OpenCV to prepare for the image processing.

Jee Woong’s Status Report for 02/20/2021

As our team is in the planning and researching process of our team project, I looked at some of the documents that are relevant to the duty that I am given. My first main role is to use computer vision algorithms to detect the 8×8 Chessboard. Although I have taken many computer science courses, I don’t have any background in computer vision. So, I got familiar with the basic concepts and modules that are frequently used in computer vision.

For the planning process, based on my team’s list of duties, I have finalized our team’s Gantt Chart. We had several meetings to come up with all the possible works we need to do, and I believe we have done a good job in communicating the ideas that we need in our project. As I am the first presenter of the Proposal Presentation, I have contributed to creating slides and practiced for the upcoming presentation.

This week, I am planning to write my own code and play with some of the computer vision modules that might be useful. And, I would like to start working on the Chessboard detection and write an update on my next weekly report.