Joseph’s Status Report for 03/27/2021

This week I was able to figure out the background subtraction algorithm. Now, I am able to detect the two pieces that were on board. With the feedback to use blob detection, I am also able to find the coordinates of them to later map them to appropriate square that they belong to. That would be the next step, coordinating the pieces to its appropriate squares by creating a chessboard class to map the pieces to. On the pictures, you can see the two pieces that were identified from the background subtraction and also the circles around them that the blob detection was able to find the pieces successfully. I had to change the background to a white background because blob detection only works on a white background.

As for the schedule, I am a little ahead of the initial schedule, but since the integration might take much more time than expected, I might not really be ahead.

Next week, I will be coordinating everything together to make a chessboard system. I will be making chessboard squares, the enumeration for each pieces, and anything else I need to represent the board and the moves.

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