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Hojun’s Status Report for 3/27

This week I worked on creating the physical parts required for the project such as the storage bin and various 3D printed parts. The storage bin (shown below) was created using laser cutting and the 3D printed parts such as the bases for the arm and the funnel were created using TechSpark. I also laser cut the base platform for our robot that we plan to use to mount the arm, powerbank, the storage bin, and the Arduino on while keeping the Xavier on the pouch that at the back of the robot. I also received all the necessary parts for the gripping mechanism and the rest of the parts required to construct the robot from Omar, who has to go back to Florida for the rest of the semester.

Next week, I plan on creating the universal gripper as well as testing it on our test set of small screwdrivers, small wrenches, and as a stretch goal on large screwdrivers that are 35cm long and weight half a kilogram. On top of that, I need to order the 6cm metal standoffs for mounting our storage bin as well as the bevel gears for creating the rotation required for our arm.


Storage bin for the robot made out of 1/4 inch wood


3D printed funnel with the robot arm and base platform laser cut from 1/4 inch wood



Failed 3D print of rotating base for the arm
Failed 3D print of neutral base for the arm

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