Mayur’s Status Report for 3/21

As I described in last week’s report, the outbreak of COVID-19 has forced all classes online. Our group wrote a Statement of Work that describes how we plan on dividing the project (see the team status report for this week). Essentially, we will be continuing with our initial division of labor, with small modifications to compensate for the difficulty of integrating our individual portions. During this next week, I will be creating the framework that allows Android to record step counts. I will be writing an app that will allow Akash to record his pace at 90 seconds intervals during a 30 minute run. Currently, my plan is to emit the recorded data as a list and send it in an email with a hard-coded address. This is subject to change, however. Aarushi will be using the data we gather to test out her time warping implementation.

In regards to the implementation of the project this week, I spent time attempting to work with the Native C/C++ App with Android Studio. Before, I was working with an Empty Activity instead. As it turns out, there were many more problems than I initially anticipated with setting up the new app. Right from the start, I received errors when Android Studio tried to build the project.  Specifically, I received errors because I had not accepted certain licenses. I attempted to follow the solutions in this link to solve the problem. But, I got an error along the way that told me the JAVA_HOME environment variable had not been set. I was confused at first, since I assumed that Android Studio would just set it to the JDK (actually JRE) that came embedded with the program (apparently not). To solve the issue, I downloaded the latest version of Java (jdk-14) and set my environment variables manually. Surprisingly, Android Studio does not support versions of Java above 8, and so I had to uninstall it. Then, I found out that there are GUI issues with using the default shell with Windows when trying to accept the licenses. As a response, I downloaded Git Bash. Eventually, this was my solution on how to fix the issues I had:

  1. Download Git Bash
  2. Navigate to  ~/AppData/Local/Android/Sdk/tools/bin
  3. Run $ export JAVA_HOME=”C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\jre”
  4. Run $ ./sdkmanager.bat –licenses
  5. Reply yes to every prompt
  6. Reload Android Studio and attempt to re-build the project
  7. Accept every prompt to resolve issues related to getting/using a C/C++ compiler

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