Tess’ Status Report for 4/5/20

This week I worked on getting the CPU ready for demo and other components to integrate with the CPU. For the CPU, I worked with Adolfo to finish implementing it. This included polishing the ALU and datapath, and implementing miscellaneous instructions. After we implemented all of them, we tested all of the instructions with written unit tests. We wrote the test in asm and Adolfo found a compiler to convert it to a .hex file that the CPU could read. We now have a working CPU that includes interrupts and supports all the instructions.

The next component I worked on was memory. I wrote the memory controller for simulation that would handle memory access from the CPU and PPU. It gives each section in memory its own magic memory. In additional, it handles cases when the PPU and CPU want to write to the same location. In the memory controller, DMA processing are handled, which is when memory in one area needs to be copied to the OAM area. Currently, Adolfo and I are working on implementing the timer so we can run the tim00.gb test from Moonete test suite.

Goals for next week:

  • Implement entire system in simulation
  • Begin system wide test

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