This week I worked with Adolfo on getting the CPU running. I finished coding the datapath with the parts that Adolfo finished coding and worked on polishing the ISA and signals files. To help our testing, I made a magic memory component for our test based on 18341 P6 magic memory.
While Adolfo finished the ALU and decoder, I started writing basic ALU testbenches. This would make sure our timing was right, the correctness of our output values, and the correctness of our FSM. We plan on creating more unit tests for our components before using the test suite since it will be easier to control the debugging process with our own tests.
Additionally, I worked on writing the updated risk management plan and Gantt chart. I incorporated how we were going to use the unit tests and test suites to minimize debugging integration. The Gantt chart reflects us removing the audio portion, how we changed our division of labor, and schedule changes due to the transition period.
My goals for next week are:
- Finish debugging the CPU
- Incorporate interrupts