Fusion360 Files
Here are the links to our Fusion360 simulation files: Full assembly Z-axis components LED SMD 5050 (from Grabcad) Coral Camera (from Grabcad)
Here are the links to our Fusion360 simulation files: Full assembly Z-axis components LED SMD 5050 (from Grabcad) Coral Camera (from Grabcad)
After a truly wild semester, we are proud to showcase our completed capstone project in its product demo video.
We have dedicated this week on brushing up our final documentation. We used our two work sessions to work on the final presentation. Arka is finalizing fixes on his software pipeline. Since Claire and I have finished our simulation portion, we are starting to work on the final report to reduce the workload for the upcoming week. We are on track per our schedule and we will continue to work on our final report and start our videos next week.
This week I worked on the final presentation and the analysis for our design report. We had our in lab demos on Monday, and we showcased our completed robotics simulation. I am aiming to finish as much content for the report as possible before next week, so we can use the next week to work on our two videos. We are on track as per our schedule, and next week we should be finalizing our design report and working on…
This week Claire and I finalized our work on the simulation. With the robotics system now fully integrated together, we have both started working on the analysis and our final design documentation. Next week we will continue working on these two parts. Arka is now working on verifying the stepper instructions with the specifications we have provided. Next week he will finalize the software pipeline and start working on the documentation with us.
This week marks the end of building our simulation and the start of analysis. Claire and I both finished the chassis and Z-axis parts and I integrated the parts. Below is our completed robotics system: I started looking at the possible analysis we can do for some trade studies. The first design decision is the choice of material for our vertical support rods. I first applied the appropriate materials to all the components on the gantry and used Fusion 360…
This week Claire finalized the Z-axis components and started integrating it with the gripper. She has also been working on simulating motion for the two components. Next week, she will finalise the details of the gripper. Arka has continued to work on his colour classification code, and fine-tune his object detection code with the higher quality photos we are now using for our data set. I (Maxine) has finalized details on the chassis. She has also begun integrating Claire’s components….
This week I worked on the rest of the timing belt assembly for the Y-axis, and the full chassis frame. I added features such as the camera mount, the lights for a stable lighting condition, and the compartments for the sorted resistors. I have also begun to integrate the Z components that Claire has been working on. Here is the progress I’ve made so far: Since I’ve had a lot of time to work on capstone during this quarantine, we’ve…
This week our team has made significant headway on the new direction our project has taken. Arka worked on fine-tuning his edge detection code and gathered more datasets to test his object detection code. He is still missing the cable to set up the new RasPi so he is currently testing on his computer. Next week, Claire worked on the Z-axis component. She has now built the rack-and-pinion and motion linked the components together. She has also started working on…
This week I continued to work on the XY gantry simulation. Being more familiar with Fusion360 now, I worked more on simulation movements and enforcing joints. I now have fully completed the X components along with the timing belt and steppers. The gantry currently totals to 55 components with 131 bodies. Here is the animation of moving along the X-axis. And along the Y-axis: Per the schedule, I am on track to finishing the gantry this week and I will…