Claire’s Status Update for 04/19

Claire’s Status Update for 04/19


This week we are scheduled to work on integration.

Progress This Week

This week Maxine and I were able to integrate the gripper with the gantry. We then decided we wanted to get a head start on the design document and analysis. Since I was originally responsible for the motors, I took on stepper analysis for the 6 steppers we used in out system. This included how XY distance would be moved with each step, how a half-step might affect accuracy, how many steps needed to move the Z axis, and an estimate of the time it takes to move the steppers. As I researched and analysed more, I realized that a lot of this also correlated to power. I also started the final report in the introduction and the architecture.

Next Week’s To-do

Next week, I want to discuss with my team whether or not we should still include power requirements. Since we have no way of validating, a lot of the tradeoffs would only be done on paper with incomplete information. Beyond that, I would like to be able to format and continue working on the final report.

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