Risk Management Plan
We can subdivide our risk management strategies per subsystem:
As we continue to test the PCB’s there runs the risk of a design mistake. As soon as a fully working hardware test is run, we can remove that risk.
We have the parts to make 5 tiles, but there is always the risk of the virus preventing us from purchasing parts to make more than that.
Embedded Protocol
The risk mitigation strategies for the embedded protocol remain the same: performing tests in Python to ensure the validity of our protocol and writing a C simulator of the tiles to allow for easier debugging once we begin working on the C firmware. As of 3/28, the Python portion is nearly complete.
A risk mitigation strategy for the GUI would be to simply do input output via terminal. We could print out the input CodeBlox on the terminal and output the print statements there instead of having a fancy GUI. The previous risk mitigation strategies have been taken care of, since we did not run into issues with error checking.