Melodee’s Status Update for 5/2/20
I unfortunately was not able to work on capstone as much as I would have liked this week, because I was really busy with two projects from other classes. What Eric and I managed to accomplish was fix the reflective sensor reading bug (pad readings didn’t always update between compilations) and refactor the firmware in an attempt to fix the communication bug. Refactoring improved the accuracy of our communication tremendously, but we still have an edge case that only works some of the time: when a tile is the parent to three children at once. Eric and I plan to fix the bug tomorrow, in time for our demo on Monday.
We have two days remaining until our demo. The only thing left to do is to fix the single remaining bug. Eric and I decided that constructing all 30 tiles isn’t essential for our demo, so we will likely just construct as many as we can within the next two days. We also need to prepare a demo video and begin working on our final paper.
Goals for next week
- Fix firmware bug
- Construct more tiles (time permitting)
- Prepare demo video
- Write final paper