Team Status Update for March 28
Our updated risk mitigation strategy can be found here.
Interpreter/GUI code: Aarohi is planning on writing a simple top level program that knows which functions to call. It receives the stream from the master tile (by deserializing), passes it to the translator to translate into CodeBlox code, passes the output to the interpreter, and passes the CodeBlox outline and interpreter output to the GUI. This would make communication between the code components easier.
Embedded: As detailed in Melodee’s status report, sides will now be required to send a wake up pulse to its neighbor before it communicates with it for the first time.
Schedule/Division of Labor
- Interpreter: The dates for GUI and deserialization (now top level program) have been switched around.
- Embedded: Implementation of the C firmware has been pushed back
- Tile Construction: Construction has been pushed back to prioritize the circuits and firmware
We don’t have as much slack time now, so we need to be more productive during the next few weeks.
An updated Gantt chart can be found below: