Kenny Ramos Status Report 4.25.2020

This week was mostly spent on getting the last few particulars of physical assembly done. Tomorrow (Sunday 26 2020) will mostly be spent on getting data and video compiled for the upcoming presentation. As of Saturday 4/25/2020 at 9:16 pm the progress on each individual physical part is as follows:

  1. Small digikey bipolar motor driver/controller PCB (fully assembled, only needs to be plugged in [Rpi + motor + housed on physical mount]).
  2. Nema 17 unipolar motor driver and power supply (1 set [2 H-Bridges + 1 Power supply + heatsink] fully assembled] 2nd set is being debugged, I might attempt using replacement MOSFETs/BUCK converters to see if that gives better results)
  3. Wooden physical stand (each portion [1 ⅝’s wood door hinge assembly + polar scope + camera mounting slot] + [1 MDF declination axis mounting hinge] + [1 MDF turntable Right ascension mounting slot] individually assembled, once debugging is done it should be a matter of joining parts and wires)

On top of that a few visual aids have been set up for debugging and demonstration purposes:

  1. Arduino adc logger + matplotlib for plotting logged adc input over time.
  2. Simple led circuit for demonstrating test point connection to circuit ground for small digikey motor controller.
  3. As discussed previously a 10W-10Ohm resistor for measuring H-bridge current (currently being used for debugging)


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