Kenny Ramos. Status Report 02/29/2020

This week was particularly consumed by other logistic aspects of the class so I was unable to get some other things done. I wanted to finalize some of the simulation stuff to have more concrete numbers and figures for the design review as well as address some of the feedback we got from both our professors and peers and reflect that in our final design review.


Operational things accomplished:


  1. Finalized gearbox while I was unable to get the physical parts printed out this week I should be able to address this on the upcoming Monday class.
  2. Finalized turntable design for “star simulator” mount should be able to decide on final design by next week and get that into fabrication.


For next week the final steps to fabrication should be taken after the design review is finalized. Since our budget will also be finalized by then we hope to order every part necessary by next week as well which will allow us to start assembling after the break.

Another pressing matter is spinning up our software component development. Thankfully most of the setup work was already done in week 6 so we are able to get that done relatively quickly. After week 8 and into week 9 we should be starting on some CV prototypes for our stand, including functional astral object identification and dots(pixels) to real movement conversions.


Some of the risks are mostly due to schedule and some unfortunate asynchronicities in our project. Fabrication and ordering should be done by Spring break in order to account for possible travel plans or previous appointments by members of our team so not meeting that could cause real problems. This means that all of our devotion to this class should be focused on meeting that schedule goal.

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