During the earlier parts of this week I worked on writing the design report.
After the design report was submitted, I talked with Ashika to figure out how the ML algorithm would output dialog to the text to speech portion of KATbot. I then worked on writing a program that reads a templated story line by line, prompts the user for input whenever needed, takes that input and saves it. The program finishes by asking the user if they want to hear the story that they made while interacting with the program. The program works moderately well, however, there are latencies of around 1- 2 seconds from when the user responds to a query.
Below is a line by line text view of everything the TTS algorithm says. Right now, “generated” is being used to fill in words that the ML algorithm would provide.

Currently I am a little behind where I would like to be because I need to start working on the pitch shifting algorithm, as well as getting the program I wrote running on the pi.
I will not be working this upcoming week because it is spring break and our group planned slack time around spring break. However, for the week after spring break, the main things I plan on working on are getting the program I wrote running on the pi and working on the phase vocoding algorithm. If I have time I will work with Ashika to integrate the short storytelling interface I wrote with the ML algorithm that she has been working on.