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- Debugging to get connection with NodeMCU
- Server was not recognizing the board as an ESP8266 and couldn’t connect to the board to flash the firmware
- Tried in Arduino IDE with the ESP8266 community board manager (also tried different versions)
- Tried with other applications to flash firmware (i.e. PyFlasher, Micropython) but was still timing out
- Not working with motor controller so I tried uploading just basic code to the ESP8266 board
- Thought it was a toolchain issue and started testing with different software tools
- CP210x USB to UART bridge: tested the serial port with different versions to ensure tools were compatible
- Since the board is made from Espressif System, tried their built-in toolchain (ESP8266_RTOS_SDK) but wasn’t working
- New NodeMCU parts came and tested on those
- Realized it was a chip issue and uploading code works fine now
- Able to get code uploaded
- Working on controlling motor direction and speed but running into inconsistencies
- TODOs:
- Finalize schematic between motors, ESP8266, L298N motor controller, battery
- Control direction and speed
- Connect and control through WiFi