Final Project Presentation and Poster
Click inside post to get the links: Here is the link to the Final Project Presentation: Final Project Presentation Team D7 PianoMan Here is the link to the Project Poster for Demo Day: POSTER Team D7
Click inside post to get the links: Here is the link to the Final Project Presentation: Final Project Presentation Team D7 PianoMan Here is the link to the Project Poster for Demo Day: POSTER Team D7
Week 15 (Final Week): Created and Presented Final Project presentation (by Vanessa). Created and Submitted Poster for Demo Day next week. Working on getting bugs fixed and all systems running smoothly by weekend to be ready fro Demo Day next Monday. Will work on Final Project Report with team as well this week. On schedule Next week: Final Demo Day
We had our in-lab demo this Wednesday. During a run through on Monday, I found out that there was a bug in the performance score evaluator. The problem was that because we manually fixed bpms for different speed modes, they are slightly out of time. Because of that, if the piece is very long, note offset error gets larger, which leads to a very low performance score (because it deduct points for all notes at the end). Thus, this week…
I don’t really have a flashy update this week. The focus has really been to find when problems happen my code and then discover why they are a problem and fix them. Basically give the OMR a bunch of new music and see where problems come up. One song I was testing it on was Hedwig’s theme. There were a couple of problems with this, but mainly a problem with how I was handling connected notes and finding their duration…
Our team is still on schedule based on our updated schedule from the mid-semester demo. So far, no major risks have come up and major contingency plans haven’t been formed. In general, the risks are that something just becomes trickier or take longer than we expected so our schedule will be compensated and we will need to reevaluate needs at the time and how to adjust our schedule. No changes were needed to be made to the block diagram. Certain…
Accomplishments for Week 14: Prepared and presented our final In-Lab demo for final feedback. Preparing for final presentation next week by working on PPT and the Poster for Final demo. Working on fixing BPM bugs with Vanessa. Entire flow of pipeline working very well at this stage. Looking into adding another feature on LED matrices for performance sharing with user – display of correct keys in conjunction with keys played by the user. This can happen if Vanessa can convert…
WOOOOOOO!!! This week was so exciting. I knew I was getting close to being pretty much done, at least with stuff for the final demo, and today I was able to give the OMR side a totally new song that I had never run it on before and it processed it almost flawlessly (no errors, one accent on the wrong note). It was a fairly complex song too with accents, eighth notes, rests, dots, etc. I cried. In general this…
This week was mostly about integrating our parts. We decided to send start.txt file from OMR to both Pi and my side to start the LED matrix. Thus, I made a simple Python code that waits for this start.txt file along with the output musicXML file and user performance MIDI file. Now, my performance score evaluator waits until all these files are available, then calculates the score. I also modified the evaluator a bit so that it returns a gradebook…
Our team is still on schedule based on our updated schedule from the mid-semester demo. So far, no major risks have come up and major contingency plans haven’t been formed. In general, the risks are that something just becomes trickier or take longer than we expected so our schedule will be compensated and we will need to reevaluate needs at the time and how to adjust our schedule. No changes were needed to be made to the block diagram. Certain…
Accomplishments for Week 13: Full automation of LED program from Lizzy’s OMR side (MusicXML file and start text file) as well as Vanessa’s side (end text file with performance scores). Ran user studies with five people for feedback on teaching system. Got varied feedback about complexity during first try but that it gets better with more playing. They would love real-time feedback in the future but are okay with feedback on various measures at the end of the song. Video…