Our Design Review Presentation
Here is the link to the slides of our Design Review Presentation: Design Review Presentation
Here is the link to the slides of our Design Review Presentation: Design Review Presentation
Design review presentation Our team created design review presentation for next Wednesday and I worked on slides for application area, block diagram, and metrics/validation. While doing this, we’ve talked about and decided some of the implementation details of our project, but some of them still require more research such as parsing MIDI files and calculating their performance scores within Raspberry Pi. MusicXML I have finished writing generateMusicXml.py that takes an attribute dictionary and a measures list as input and outputs…
Our team is still on schedule based on our original schedule. So far, no major risks have come up and major contingency plans haven’t been formed. In general, the risks are that something just becomes trickier or take longer than we expected so our schedule will be compensated and we will need to reevaluate needs at the time and how to adjust our schedule. No changes were needed to be made to the block diagram. Certain things related to the…
This week during class I primarily worked on setting up the website and prepping for the presentation next week. On Monday, I organized the website into posts and categories so that each post type can be shown on a different. I also added the intro post and the presentation post. I added in some of the images and added in some of the posts from the week before. On Wednesday, I worked on the design presentation for next week. Both…
During Week 6 of the Capstone design project, the following work was done: Whole team worked on creating the project’s Design Review Presentation for next week by discussing specific details of our respective parts of the project. I added content about the hardware side’s implementation and testing and edited the slides to aid in easy visual absorption of the information. Ordered 3 additional LED Matrices from Adafruit Industries of the same kind that I used to test our implementation in…
Raspberry Pi This week we ordered parts for our project including Raspberry Pi, and we also got a used one from the professor. Surbhi and I set up the Raspberry Pi (Factory reset, user configuration, Wifi settings) and explored some of the functionalities of it. I’ve also setup SSH and VNC viewer in my computer in order to access Raspberry Pi remotely. OMR data structure to MusicXML Because I didn’t know much about MusicXML structure, before working on conversion of…
Accomplishments for Week 5: Setup and Configured the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ with Raspbian OS in SD card. Registered it to CMU-Device WIFI and setup remote SSH and VNC viewing capabilities. Received Hardware Parts from Adafruit Industries. Setup 5V 10A power supply for the LED Matrix. Wired the LED Matrix to the Raspberry Pi for testing using the following suggested table. GPIO PINS on Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ HUB 75 INPUT PINS on LED Matrix …
This week, our team started truly building our project. I personally created the GitHub repository for most of the code to sit in, so we could share our code back and forth. I also read a few more papers on typical OMR cases and common algorithms for solving the pressing problems. From there, my main task for the week was on determining the best software/modules/language to use for the OMR side of our project. I am most comfortable with Python…
To see our presentation, download the pdf version below: (Click into post to get link) Proposal Presentation
We are building a self-learning tool for beginner Piano players where you can choose the complexity of what you want to learn through scanning the sheet music of the song and playing by watching the LEDs up next to the keys. It will allow you to take a scan of some piano sheet music, it will process the scan’s images for where notes are, their pitch, and how long they should be held, with a base and treble clef. This will…