This week I was actually unable to have the meeting with Zheng. Instead, however, I have devised the following plan to create the library:
I will look up MIDIs for all of the songs we want in our library with this link:
From this website I can get MuseScore arrangements of all the pieces, from which I can specifically select the melodies of interest.
Musescore allows me to export mp3s of pure pitch tones of melodies of interest, which I will do for all the tracks/staffs within the songs we intend to put in our library.
Finally, I will process the .mp3s or .wavs in MATLAB the same way I process vocal input (record vocal input), so that the list of tones is the same data format as that used for recorded vocal queries.
From here, the matching should be same.
I think I am a little behind, I hope to be able to create a substantial library by the middle of next week.