Anja Kalaba Team C6:
- This week my team and I spoke with Professor Dannenberg and were able to toss out the idea of dynamic library processing. It was settled that the final experiment that would be attempted before doing an optimal replication of the Query By Humming Paper would be trying to use similarity matrices comparing instrument samples to ensemble samples to verify the instrument’s membership in the ensemble. As a more reliable approach, MIDI file preprocessing was decided to be appropriate. I also worked on the design slides, it was settled I would be presenting our design on Monday.
- I would say progress is on schedule.
- Deliverables for this week hope to include a valid small test sample of the similarity matrix instrument membership verification, and then from the results of this a final decision about the route to go for algorithm and library/database composition.
Team C6 Status:
- Most significant risks would be deciding to go with the similarity matrix approach and finding it isn’t applicable to voices. Our contingency plan is a full implementation of the Query By Humming paper, which seems credible and has fine results. If this also is found to be unstable, our plan is to provide a data visualization scheme to at least display the rigorous algorithmic work done under the hood.
- No changes were made to design, still the consideration portion (seen above).
- No Team schedule changes.