Bhuvan’s status report (Apr 13, 2019)
Working on our project, with the new scenario in mind, we will have to simultaneously work on increasing the distance and the speed of our protocol. With this change, the current application layer of Pong is meaningless as there is speeds of 1.6kbps are too slow to be comparable with bluetooth. I will be working on restructuring our application layer to show a file transfer test and assist the other team members with the distance and speed aspects as needed.
Dhruva’s Status Report (Apr 13, 2019)
This week as a team , we shifted gears slightly with regard to our project. Instead of setting up a multi node network we spoke to our professor and decided that we needed to change our goals. In our mid point demo, we demonstrated a full duplex communication between the FPGAs. After lengthy discussions, we decided that our revised goal should be to maximize speed of communication with regard to these nodes as well as maximizing distance of separation between them. This modification lends itself more easily to real life scenarios where our project can be applied. So we will not be demonstrating pong but instead we will implement a file transfer test.
This week, I researched on how to make these modifications and ordered the parts necessary to change the circuit accordingly.
Raziq’s Status Report (Apr 13, 2019)
This week I did not make as much progress as normal weeks due to Carnival, but we planned for this. Due to the change in application, the multiple-transmission-capable receiver is no longer necessary, which saves time on my end. I still have to tune parameters for optimal performance and reliability. Pulse width, offset delta, preamble size, and data size will be tweaked as necessary.
Upcoming work
Implement File transfer test
Increase distance between LED and photodiode
Improve speed of data transmission
Check with TA about parts we ordered
Team Status Report
On Wednesday of this week, we talked to Professor Tamal and decided to implement considerable changes to our project. The first aspect to consider was the distance between the LED and photodiode. Presently the distance between the diode and LED is around 5cm. With this distance we achieve near perfect data transmission accuracy. However, there is no viable real world scenario that will make our project feasible. The new scenario we are considering is as follows:
“Build a new form of wireless data transmission that achieves speed which is significantly greater than Bluetooth to be used for close range file transfers”
On Wednesday, we submitted an order for high speed op-amps that will allows us to receive pulses from the photodiode at speeds in the order of MHz. We notified our TA by email but have not received confirmation yet.