4/6 – Weekly Update
During the week, I spent a lot of time preparing the Computer Vision algorithms for the demo. I got around to testing with the demo camera and demo setup, and I noticed a lot of discrepancies compared to the pictures I originally tested on. We also noticed the lighting conditions really affected the CV, and this meant that conditions in the lab varied at night and during the day. With the help of my colleagues, since nighttime testing did not work well, they accompanied me early in the morning on demo day to help with some final tuning. With the feedback from the demo, we plan on developing a calibration system so that we do not have to always tune for a specific lighting condition and pool table location. Thanks team for all the help and late nights/early mornings!
This week, I assisted my teammates in their calibration efforts. I worked on helping groom our schedule to keep our tasks up-to-date. In addition, I re-evaluated and prepared the new tasks that we can do in the time between now and the demo. This was necessary since we noticed that testing and tuning was taking significantly longer than expected. I drafted pros and cons of each of the tasks, and hosted a quick session to re-evaluate our goals. In addition, I’m expanding on the CV component by adding simple edge detecting to increase the predictability of the ball detecting. I’m hoping to integrate this edge detection with our HSV and contour detection in order to achieve a high reliability of object detection.
This week, I mostly spent my time in the lab, providing positive encouragement and reinforcement to the CV developer(s) of our team. They had a relatively long week, sacrificing their health to work on this capstone project! I wish I could have done more to directly help on CV, but all I could do was be supportive. 🥪🍊 I mapped out my future implementation plans — in terms of MVP, I believe I am caught up, but further discussion needs to be done for our team’s plan moving forward.
We spent a lot of time integrating for our demo. A few areas that needed work before we could demo were synchronizing the normalization between our CV component and our software component. Mainly, adjusting the values in the software backend to match the real life pool table dimensions and matching CV coordinates to software coordinates. In addition, we discussed our plans for the next few weeks. In a nutshell, we decided to implement features that helped streamline our process such as color synchronization and projector-camera registration based on our feedback.