I discovered later last weekend that I ordered surface-mount muxes instead of breadboard-mount muxes, and that the breadboard-mount muxes are actually significantly cheaper. Since our parts orders go in on Tuesday and Thursday, I went ahead and waited until class on Monday to talk with Anthony to make sure I didn’t mess up a parts order again. As a result, I am still behind on the full muxing. However, I was able to get the appropriate capacitors from the 18-500 lab, and went ahead and made a circuit with multiple wired sensors at appropriate distances so that the magnets wouldn’t trigger the further sensors. I then wired them all through the ADC (which takes 4 inputs) and Chris was able to read across them from the pi.
I was really hoping the order would make it by Friday so I could spend the weekend soldering some of our actual squares that will go under the board, but it did not make it in before the weekend. I previously put in an order on the same website with the same shipping option that arrived on Thursday, so I didn’t choose to go up, but I saw on the news that a mercury spill temporarily shut down a USPS shipping location in Pittsburgh, so I’m assuming that’s what caused the delivery to take longer this time. Since our demo slot is Wednesday, I am hopeful that maybe I will be able to get them Monday or Tuesday and add in muxing and/or actual soldered components by the demo. In addition, I’ve been attempting to design some basic LED functionality that will not be representative of the actual LEDs we use in the final project, but should be able to show a proof of concept by the demo.