Austin Milford-Rosales weekly update

Austin Milford-Rosales

Status Report 5


This week, I intended to get multiple squares working together and begin the process of integrating them into the sensor board.  Chris and I were able to integrate the ADC and then read data through to the Pi. However, I messed up and got surface-mount muxes instead of breadboard mounted ones, which meant when they arrived and I wanted to get a partial board assembly on the breadboard, we were unable to do so.  Our ADC can handle up to 4 different inputs, so from that angle, we can do a very limited demo, but otherwise we will have to wait until the replacement part order can arrive to actually continue with implementation. This is putting us behind now, and I’m going to have to have to drop in some solid hours in next week to make up for this delay.  Fortunately, I just took my last test (before the final) in one class and just wrapped up a project in another, so I will have more time than normal next week to work on catching this part up.

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