dhanna Weekly update 3/2/2019

I put FPGA acceleration on the backburner for now. I’m hoping to use my time doing my research with Professor Lucia as a way to get some early experience using the fpga board I currently have in possession. Currently, my time is mostly concerned with how exactly we lean on stockfishes functions. Using dead reckoning with the magnet’s is the simplest (and therefore probably correct) idea. But then the magnet circuit becomes a somewhat glorified RFID system.  My oversight of the stockfish integration with the multiple magnet levels concern’s me to be honest. I feel like my novelty seeking behavior caused me to ignore parts of our project. I’ll need to put in more time thinking about our design.


We’re on schedule. My task list is probably a little conservative and needs to have dependencies with the sensor input. In the meantime I have a good understanding of Stockfish’s high-level architecture, so I should be able to knock out a significant amount of tasks and help my team mates.


I want a full end-to-end test running on the pi by the end of the week, hopefully incorporating some jury rigged sensors.

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