For this week, I worked on readying up the stethoscope for the final demo. We all worked together on the final integration portion. We discovered an issue where the sample rate that the Raspberry Pi was recorded in was different from the sample rate that the testing data was. The frequency sample rate was 2000 Hz for the testing data, but the recorded data from the stethoscope was 44.1 kHz. Therefore, once we fixed this issue, importing the audio issue was now in the same format as the dataset. We also had issues where the recorded samples were at different amplitudes than the dataset sound files. Therefore, we added a gain setting on the Raspberry Pi, that amplifies the speaker/heart sound when recording on the stethoscope, so that the amplitudes would match. After fixing both of these, the testing samples on the speaker setup worked well. We also had to hand select some files from the testing dataset, so that we would ensure that it would work for the final demonstration. This is the final week so there are no updates for next week.