Team Mar. 9 Status Report

Team Mar. 9 Status Report

Changes to the Design

No significant changes are planned for the design, although we have now planned and expanded the adjustability and the functionality of the effects modules to incorporate some simple expansions we decided would add to the user experience but not increase the workload or complexity by an unreasonable amount.


Obviously, any design change comes with risks, but we are not worried, since the changes are very minor and the design of our modules allow the additions to be fairly easily integrated. Furthermore, since the additions are not essential to the functionality, they can be scrapped if it needs to be.


We are still somewhat behind schedule since all three of us had midterms this week that consumed a lot of our time, as well as travel for spring break. However, we have all planned out work schedules and goals to hit during Spring Break, where we anticipate having plenty of time to work both independently and together if need be. We do not anticipate any necessary changes to the overall schedule.

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