Nithya’s Status Report for 10.28.23

This week, I continued to work through the CNN-LSTM tutorial from last week and specifically tried to address the issue I faced last week with training. Training such large models requires GPU, and resources like Google Colab provide only a limited number of hours using the GPU for free. Since another one of my classes has assigned us many AWS credits and I am likely to have some extra, I looked into training this tutorial model (and eventually our CNN-LSTM model) on AWS. Since I was totally new to AWS, I worked through this presentation to get set up:


I learned about different Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) as well as EC2 instance types. I faced some issues launching these instances and I discovered this was because of my vCPU limits. It took several days for my limit increase request to be approved, and then I was able to launch the instance.


I also learned about persistent storage, EFS in particular. This is important because when an instance is stopped, the file storage for that instance will be deleted (and unfortunately I experienced that when I had to stop my instance and restart it). I am still having some issues working out how to set up EFS and this is something that will definitely need to be fixed before we start training our model, in order to minimize the time we need to spend paying for active instances.


My progress is still behind as I wanted to work on the graph description model this week but was still caught up with the tutorial. I did work on the tutorial several days this week but due to the delay in getting my vCPU limit increased, I did not have much time to work through the subsequent issues with EFS. For next week, I will again try to work on the tutorial and graph description model several days, and I am currently (and will continue to) look into ways to solve the EFS issue to ensure smooth training when our model is ready.


For next week, I would like to have the results of the tutorial and a draft architecture for the CNN-LSTM. I also hope to work out how to do all of the labeling/figure out how the reference captions and images should be formatted so that they can be easily fed to the model.

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