Stephen managed to get the individual component classification accuracy up to around ~85% in testing, and is still in the process of measuring the full circuit accuracy. The size of the dataset has increased to encompass 56 component images, but in terms of file size it is actually still 3 MB, which is what we predicted two weeks ago. In addition to this, because Stephen switched to using BRIEF descriptors, which are only available with opencv-contrib extra modules, this is an added step for the build process of the integration. This week we were able to completely finish integrating the entire project on one codebase. The CV and the phone app are correctly linked to display the circuit that the CV algorithm recommends and the circuit simulator is able to run with the inputs the user provided. All that is left to be done is to parse the output of the circuit simulator and display it on a final page, however this will be less than a day’s work as we have already parsed the output of the CV code which was far more challenging. In addition to this, the display of the circuit has a couple bugs that need to be worked on, but this is also expected to take around a day. Jaden is planning on finishing both these parts by Tuesday.
Now that most of the integration is finished, Devan is finishing up working on the model for the diode. Once these parts are finished, the project will be completed.