This week we had the interim demos and showed the Professors and TAs what we have so far of our MVP. On the webserver side, I was able to illustrate the connection the webserver makes to the Raspberry Pi and also the messages it sends to it. For the later demo, I was able to get bidirectional communication working so the webserver can also read messages sent from the Pi by subscribing to a separate topic especially for incoming communications. The webapp publishes messages to the pir/data/web topic. Interaction can be seen in the images below.
The STATION:ON:1 command was received from the Raspberry Pi — currently, the webapp is simply appending the message to the div by adding the string as an HTML element. Ultimately, these messages will be parsed and this page will change the workzone user graphics accordingly.
Diva and I went into the lab yesterday to finalize our commands between the Pi and the server. We also performed testing for the microphones but could not find an appropriate sensitivity. We accounted for all edge cases such as making sure the pir was on while the mic was off when moving and making no sound (and vice versa).