Integration! I managed to accomplish a good amount of work on my end this week. First being I wrote the script (fully functional) which will be responsible for sending out emails to the user when their cat’s food/water intake might reach danger levels (based on the analysis currently being conducted by MeeDm) I hope to demo this feature to Professor Mukherjee and Edward on Monday.
I spent a lot of time working on the integration between my part and MeeDm’s code and am pretty much done with the main components required. Now whenever users register themselves and their cats, I also store all of this information in a json file which can be pulled on MeeDm’s end where she can get necessary information like the cat’s microchip number, user’s email address, weight per volume, etc. and make the changes to the right file for the right cat when pulling in updated data from Lucas.
I also spent time brainstorming how to resolve a potential concurrency issue we might run into where my webapp might be reading and writing from the file the same time as MeeDm’s code and do have a solution ready to implement if we run into that case. However, the odds of this happening are quite low since we only pull data through the BLE every 4 hours. Hence, I am putting this on hold for now and will revisit this near the end if we do start running into this issue.
My next steps from here on out would now be improving the UI of the web app, deploying it on the RPi, and refining the graphs to be shown on the cat’s profile page (how many lines per graph, scale of graph, etc)
I suspect a good amount time will also be spent on my end preparing for the final presentation (I will be presenting) since that will be held right after Thanksgiving break. However, I do think I am still on track to complete my part as intended and can’t wait to see how our project turns out!