Oct 10-16th:
I think it is important to mention the work I put in last week regarding the design report. Due to some issues, I had to end up writing at least half of the design report, requiring quite a bit of time from my end since a lot of it involved writing in detail about parts that weren’t my expertise. I wrote about the design requirements, all the design trade studies, the whole of project management which included the schedule, responsibilities, and risk management, as well as related work. I also spent time working with MeeDm on how we would want to use python for reading and writing data to and from JSON files to be further used by the web app.
Oct 17th – 23rd:
This week I worked on setting up the database for the users and their cats in SQLite. I also created a login and registration page where users can input their and their cat’s information like email, username, cat’s age, weight, etc. and it gets stored in our database.
I spent a bit of time with MeeDm as well designing how we wanted our JSON files to look like for storing the cat’s information as well as the directory structure for the different users and their cats.
My next goal would be to get the HighCharts graph library up and running where I will read in some of the dummy data we currently have and display them on the graphs. I’ll also spend time with MeeDm completely wrapping up and flushing out any other details left for communication between the Rpi and web app.