I worked on pretty much half if not more of the design report. Specifically, I wrote up the introduction, design requirements, the main components of the system architecture section, the Tags section of the design trade studies, the system description section, budget and ethical issues. I also formatted the document for the team. I easily spent at least 7-8 hours on this review report.
During class times, I’ve been using bluepy in more detail. Since we switched our raspberry pi, I’ve had to set things up again. I’m figuring out how to figure out how to make the peripheral’s that are a little different discoverable, but I’ve had to put that on the back burner for the design review report.
By the end of the weekend I will have the code ready to connect to the demo tags and send a simple json file to the web app. Honestly I’m still a bit behind on the actual things for the project, and that’s because I had to take a hit with the design review since I didn’t expect to have to do so much work for that.