This week, I finished implementing quality of life changes for our current mouse functions as well as some test code for implementing the other mouse functions such as right clicking and scrolling. I added a method of differentiating between clicking and holding by sampling gestures over time and determining which one to do based on if the click gesture was detected multiple times over a half a second time frame. I also experimented with other mouse functions such as right clicking (works the same as left clicking) and scrolling (instead of using mouse.move, mouse.wheel is used). mouse.wheel is interesting in the sense that the scrolling sensitivity is determined by how often the function is called, so the change in y positional value of the hand is used to determine how often the function is called instead of directly assigning a “distance” to scroll. Since we have a working system, for now the team and I will focus on gathering trade offs and metrics to prepare for the final presentation after Thanksgiving break. I am on schedule and will turn my focus towards finishing the implementation of other mouse functions once the gesture recognition model is more accurate as well as noting trade offs and collecting metrics for the final presentation.