I continued to work on the CAD modeling this week for the housing, as well as getting the motor and controller test working. From our test, the results have shown some improvements that need to be made to the design, where our motors are mounted. In order to make enough thrust to move, there needs to be a significant amount of space between our motors and the housing. Also our motor controller needed to be factory reset and have the throttle range calibrated in order to work correctly. I did some research into alternative methods of perception, in the event that our antennas do not work as intended. So far, thermal cameras seem like a potentially promising idea, as they have low resolution for low processing time, and do not require infrastructure or daylight to work, because of the heat of a body or fire/flare. So, I did some research looking into them and specifically the FLIR Lepton camera that could potentially work with a big/hot enough source like an open fire (or for testing a heat gun/heating pad) . So far we are right about on schedule, but the CAD design is not finalized yet because of our recent findings on motor thrust. By next week I would like a relatively finalized CAD design ready and hopefully have it printable/ready to be 3D printed.